Monday 15 July 2013

Egypt turmoil: US envoy Burns in Cairo for talks

US Deputy Secretary of State William BurnsUS envoy William Burns is expected meet army leaders as part of his visit to Egypt

US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns is due to hold talks in Cairo later with leaders of Egypt's new military-backed government.

It is the first visit by a senior US official since the army ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on 3 July.

Washington says Mr Burns will urge "an end to all violence and a transition leading to an inclusive, democratically elected civilian government".

Earlier Egypt's public prosecutor froze the assets of 14 Islamist leaders.

The Muslim Brotherhood head Mohammed Badie and his deputy Khairat al-Shater are reported to be among them.

It comes as part of an investigation into the incitement of violence at protests.

Dozens of people have died during major demonstrations held by rival pro- and anti-Morsi protesters in the past two weeks.

Both sides are expected to hold further rallies to coincide with Mr Burns' visit on Monday.

Road map

Egypt's troubled transition to democracy has also been a rocky road for the US.

During the historic uprising of 2011 which toppled President Mubarak, Washington vacillated over which side to back.

Now, after the ousting of President Morsi, it is still criticised on both sides of a bitter Egyptian political divide.

The anti-Morsi camp charges the US with backing the Muslim Brotherhood. The pro-Morsi camp accuses it of siding with the military.

Recently, the US developed a good working relationship with the ruling Muslim Brotherhood but found itself increasingly drawn into the deepening crisis between Islamists and more liberal forces.

The US now needs assurances that Egypt is still on the road to civilian rule, and its peace treaty with Israel is intact.

If not, about $2bn, mostly annual military aid, will be at risk, as well as a vital relationship which, despite all the strains, all sides still want to keep.

Meanwhile, officials say suspected Islamist militants have attacked a bus carrying workers to a cement factory in north Sinai, killing three people. Fourteen others were wounded.

Mr Burns will reportedly meet administration officials as well as military leaders and business figures during his visit.

Egypt's new interim government began swearing in its new cabinet on Sunday.

Among those filling vacant posts is pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei, 71, who takes on the role of vice president for foreign relations.

The temporary leadership is tasked with ruling the country under an army-backed "road map" to restore civilian rule.

Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood has refused to join the new government headed by caretaker prime minister Hazem al-Beblawi.

Egypt's ultra-conservative Salafi al-Nour party has also said it will not join the interim government.

Spokesman Nader Bakkar told AFP: "We would participate only in an elected government."

Washington is continuing to evaluate the overthrow of Egypt's Islamist leader.

US military aid to Cairo - estimated to be $1.3bn (£860m) each year - would have to be cut if the removal is determined by Washington to have been a coup.

The US has called for the release of Mr Morsi, who remains in custody.

The Brotherhood is demanding his reinstatement and insists the ousting was a coup.

The army says it intervened to remove Mr Morsi in response to protests by millions of Egyptians who accused him of becoming increasingly authoritarian and failing to tackle economic difficulties.

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