Tuesday 3 September 2013

Overcome fear, improve your health

You already know how fear can paralyse you personally and professionally, rob you of your joy, and keep you from going after your dreams. But did you know it can also make you sick? To beat it,

•Understand that fear is primal. It originates from the lizard brain of your amygdala and exists as an adaptive mechanism meant to save your life. But in modern society, fear is a warning signal gone haywire. Most of what you fear — losing a loved one, money, or a relationship, for example — isn’t actually threatening your life, though it may be threatening your sense of security.  You may not be able to ditch the emotion of fear, but you can make the choice not to let it run the show anymore.

•Assess your fears. If you’re afraid of crashing on the rocks when you consider jumping off a cliff, your fear is probably valid. But if you’re afraid to write the book you dream of writing because you’re afraid of failure, fear is only getting the way. Sometimes, fear shows up as a valuable intuition, but often, it’s just an agent of self-sabotage. Learning to tell the difference can make all the difference.

•Fear often masquerades as protection. Consider how many times you make decisions because of the “just in case.” Remember that “just in case” is fear masquerading as self-preservation. But it’s still fear, and it’s still harmful to your health.

•Dissociate from fear. Once you realise that fear often hurts you more than it protects you, it’s easier to notice your fear from a distance, rather than letting it have its way with you and dictate your decisions.

•Adopt voice of faith. Invite your faith to beat the crap out of your fear and seek divine guidance.

•Surround yourself with courageous people. When you surround yourself with fearful people, they can’t help projecting their fears onto you, and you can get dragged down into the muck unwittingly. But when brave people who take risks surround you, you’ll feel inspired to be more brave yourself.

Source: care2.com

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