Sunday 23 February 2014

"Same-Sex Couples Begin Marrying In Illinois



Theresa and Mercedes Santos-Volpe, plaintiffs in the suit, celebrate their marriage with daughter, Ava.

Theresa and Mercedes Santos-Volpe, plaintiffs in the suit, celebrate their marriage with daughter, Ava.

Illinois’ marriage equality law is not set to take effect until June 1, but a federal judge has ruled that same-sex couples can begin marrying immediately, at least in Cook County, where a lawsuit was filed. Friday afternoon, 46 couples rushed to the County Clerk David Orr’s office to be the first to get marriage licenses.

In a brief decision, Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman actually ruled that Illinois’ ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional and should not prohibit couples from marrying. It follows asimilar ruling in November allowing couples in which one or both individuals had a terminal illness to begin marrying without having to wait. Coleman explained that all couples’ rights were clearly violated and no one should have to wait for the new law to take effect:

There is no dispute here that the ban on same-sex marriage violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and infringes on the plaintiffs’ fundamental right to marry. Indeed, the defendant and intervenor have joined in plaintiff’s motion, with the caveat that David Orr is bound to follow the law in Illinois. Since the parties agree that marriage is a fundamental right available to all individuals and should not be denied, the focus in this case shifts from the “we can’t wait” for terminally ill individuals to “why should we wait” for all gay and lesbian couples that want to marry. To paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: the time is always ripe to do right.

Coleman’s decision makes her the sixth federal judge to rule against a state ban on same-sex marriage since the Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act last summer, following Utah, Oklahoma, Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia.

Because the lawsuit only named Orr as a plaintiff, the ruling can technically only apply to Cook County, which includes Chicago. However, same-sex couples from anywhere in the state can travel there to get a marriage license of their own. Mayor Rahm Emanuel seemed to give his blessing for them to do so by applauding the decision on Twitter. The office isnot open on weekends, but will resume issuing licenses on Monday.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Lagos bans use of Mini-skirt, other attires

on    /   in News 8:36 pm 

By Monsuru Olowoopejo
Lagos State Government has banned all forms of dresses that expose breasts, coves and other sensitive parts of the female body, saying “they are indecent.”

This was contained in a circular issued by the State Head of Service, Mrs. Josephine Williams to entire Ministries, Departments and Agencies, MDAs, dated February 7, 2014.

Vanguard gathered that the decision was taken as a result of worsening cases of indecent dressing among the state government female public servants.

The circular however urged all Directors of Finance and Administration, DFAs, to immediately move against indecent dressing .

The circular, with the reference number CIR/HOS/14/Vol.1/022, said similar directive was issued through the HOS in 2005 in a circular number 113 mandating public servants to dress properly and decently to the office and official functions portray the good image of the state government.

The government in the circular warned that it would begin to take drastic and punitive measures against recalcitrant public servants who flout the directive.

The circular added “It has however been observed with grave concern that some officers have not been complying with this directive. The noticeable non-compliance of some officers to this directive should henceforth stop as the extant civil service rules and regulations on proper and indecent dressing still subsist and will be applied accordingly on flouters”.

The HOS listed what is contained in the new dress code for female workers and that skirts that are above the knee should not be worn by public servants.

Williams explained that if female public servants must wear trousers, such trousers should neither be tight nor revealing any sensitive part of their body and must be worn with a jacket.

She also said that gowns to be worn by female public servants must be of knee level, moderate slit, not sleeveless and not body clinging, adding that if native attires must be worn, they must be worn completely.

The government also reeled out dress code for male public civil servants, administrative officers must wear suit and tie as professionals.

The junior and clerical staff they said should wear shirts and trousers and French suit while complete native wear is allowed for all cadres of public servants.

Williams affirmed that,“As a matter of necessity, all Directors of Finance and Administration are hereby enjoined to ensure that officers within their purview adhere strictly to moderate and decent dressing”.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

10 Things That Are Killing Your Sex Drive

February 11, 2014.

 Sex drive or libido is a natural feeling that adults experience.  There are times however when libido wanes and it becomes difficult to engage in intimate relations with your partner.  It is distressing for both partners but there are some effective naturopathic solutions that you can incorporate to promote a more consistent sex drive.


1. Poor nutrition

Garbage in, garbage out.  With better nutrition and digestion, the right nutrients get to the right places to make the body function better, this includes your sex drive.  For instance, a clinical study with women with low sexual desire was published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy.  It found that giving a nutritional supplement significantly increased sexual desire, satisfaction with sexual relationship and improved vaginal dryness.

 2. Low hormone levels

When hormone levels start to drop, it is common that sexual desire drops as well.  Testosterone and estrogen helps men and women to maintain an interest in sex.  Signs of low testosterone include moodiness, loss of sex drive, reduced muscle strength, erectile dysfunction and lower energy.  Signs of low estrogen include reduced sexual desire, fatigue, low mood, hot flashes, dry skin and vaginal tissue.

 3. Timing

Have you heard of scheduling conflicts?  Often, this can happen within the home and with your significant other.  It’s difficult to have passion and meaningful encounters when there isn’t the time to do it.  Make time for intimacy.  Start with a frank and open conversation with your partner to find times in your week that can fit.

 4. Lack of communication

Sometimes, despite even living together, it can be difficult to effectively communicate your desires to your partner and vice versa.  Communication is the foundation of resolving outstanding issues.  For the issue of sex drive, there may be specific reasons you or your partner are not interested…talk about it and you may both just be able to come to the solution.

 5. Erectile dysfunction

It is estimated that about 40% of 40-year old men experience a mild, moderate, or significant level of erectile dysfunction and approximately 70% of men over 70 years of age.  It may be a hormonal issue, a nutritional issue, a vascular/circulatory issue, diabetes, etc.  Speak with your primary health practitioner to help solve the cause of

Erectile dysfunction.  From a naturopathic perspective, there are many nutrients and herbal extracts that can help.

 6. Low energy

If you are tired, it is understandable that you do not want to exert yourself in sexual intercourse; it would seem like a burden and draining.  A common cause of low energy is poor sleep.  Try to improve your sleep quality or duration and you may find your libido increases.  Another solution is to choose to have sex in the morning, generally when your energy is better and you have had a restful sleep.  Plan ahead and do something relaxing before bed (eg: lavender bath, light massage to your partner, a foot bath) and go to bed earlier.

 7. Pain

Pain is a sure-fire reason to avoid physical activities including sex.  Alternate sexual positioning may help, or better pain control.  A combination of supplements can help reduce pain including omega-3 fats, turmeric extracts, bromelain, boswellia extract, California poppy, etc.  Women more commonly can experience ‘pelvic pain’ due to many reasons: abuse, endometriosis, tight muscles, tendonitis, scar tissue, etc.  Get a pelvic examination and treatment to help if you have this type of pain which often leads to painful intercourse.

 8. Inadequate exercise

Your body must circulate regularly to condition your muscles and all the other tissues of the body.  Without regular exercise, your various tissues can weaken and you often end up with poor stamina overall.  If you are ready for it, commit to a regular exercise routine.  Often, within weeks you will feel more positive, energetic and have enough stamina to enjoy your sexual relationship better.

 9. Mood

If you are anxious, depressed, or in an upset mood, that is a clear damper on having intercourse.  Get the help you need to promote a more positive mood.  Simple ways to start are to improve your nutrition: a good multivitamin, eating regularly, having fruits and vegetables daily, omega-3 fats, et cetera can help promote a more positive mood.  Speak to your naturopath or physician for other solutions.

 10. Stress

Stress affects everything, including your sex drive.  Try to balance your stresses with calming exercises such as deep breathing or meditation.  Try this simple technique: while keeping your eyes closed, imagine a beautiful calming scene in your mind while you take calm slow breaths.  Do this for five minutes and compare how you felt before and after.  Repeat twice a day and soon you will have a good stress-relieving habit that will help other aspects of your life including your sex drive.  Other stress relievers include progressive muscle relaxation, listening to relaxing music, listening to guided imagery and good old fashioned physical exercise.  Herbs and nutrients can also help including ashwagandha, holy basil, magnesium, etc.

Saturday 1 February 2014

2015: Atiku Dumps PDP For APC

Naija News

01.02.2014, 10:21  Politics

Strong indications emerged yesterday that former Vice President Atiku Abubakar will mid next week dump his party, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, for the All Progressives Congress, APC.

Photo: Atiku Abubakar to dump PDP for APC

Saturday Vanguard gathered yesterday that the decision to take the action and leave the party was borne out of the frustration and humiliation the PDP has made him go through, just as he has concluded nationwide consultative tours of the six geo-political zones of the country where he brainstormed with stakeholders, leaders and supporters on his next political journey ahead of 2015 Presidential election.

A source at his Jabi office told Saturday Vanguard yesterday that Atiku Abubakar has concluded plans to leave PDP for APC.

Atiku had raised some grievances against the PDP and substantiated his marginalization of not being wanted, even as he stressed that he is a BOT member by right but he is not being called to its meetings and so does not attend, adding that he is a NEC member by right under the constitution, but he has been barred from its meetings because invitations are not given to him.

He also complained that by the norms of the party, he is entitled to being invited to its PDP caucus and said that Dr. Alex Ekwueme, a former Vice President gets those invitations, but he gets none of those, adding that he is not considered as a major stakeholder in taking decisions affecting the Adamawa State Chapter of the party.

In a statement he issued last week and titled, "The Challenges of a Decision," the former Presidential aspirant on the platform of PDP noted that he has begun consultation tour of Nigeria, Dubai and London, even as he said that there was what he termed a sustained effort by the party managers and government to entrench impunity and its lack of preparedness to open up the party for democratic competition.

He added that his decision to defect to APC may be borne out of the fact that Governors elected on the platform of PDP have already given an automatic ticket to President Goodluck Jonathan for his re-election bid.

Meanwhile, a statement from his office to Saturday Vanguard yesterday said that the former Vice President yesterday concluded his nationwide consultative meeting with that of the North-East geo-political zone in Bauchi.